Meeting Tonight Feb 7, 2024

Brother Knights,

I hope you will be able to attend our meeting tonight.  We have lots to cover:

Upcoming Valentine’s Day Dinner and Dance (Feb 10th)

Fish Fries, beginning Friday, February 16th

Lenten Mission with Father Wade Menezes March 17-20

Plus, amazing results from Trivia Night, raising over $4000 for Safe Haven Baby Box, Family of the Month, and our monthly video from K of C: Healing in the Family.

Also, we will dedicate our Knights Room to Jerry Appleman, who was an outstanding Knight for our Council and a perfect example of Service, Charity, and Fraternity.  We will miss Brother Jerry: May he rest in peace!


PS: If some of you can come early, we need to straighten out and organize our room (missing table, pass out song books, etc.)

Hope to see everyone there!