Welcome New Knights

We welcomed our new Knights this past Sunday, September 3rd after 8:30 Mass. The exemplification is a wonderful ceremony of which all in our church are invited to witness.  It stands for and re-affirms our commitment to our Holy Church, our Parish, our community, and to our worthy cause as Knights.

This ceremony emphasizes the power of the Holy Eucharist and our advocate, the Blessed Virgin Mary.

The three new Knights are:

Stephen Wrona

Rich Baumgart

Miguel Rosales

A reception was held in the school cafeteria immediately after the ceremony.

Vivat Jesus!

Grand Knight Dave Buckles

Meeting August 2 2023

Hello Brother Knights,

Happy August!  Don’t forget our meeting tomorrow at 6:00 PM.We have improved the air conditioning situation and have a few new things hanging on our walls.

Hope to see everyone there.

Dave Buckles

Vivat Jesus!